Tuesday, 14 August 2012

One Size Fits All - or - What Kind of Sub Are You Anyway?

Yesterday I went out to a showroom and bought us a car.

All by myself.

I mention this because in the wonderful world that is the internet, there are lots of people who say 'A true sub always...' or 'a real submissive never....' I'd be willing to guess that a real, true submissive, would never be allowed to choose the family car. That's a pretty big investment of money and a big commitment. Certainly a responsibility for the dominant.

He made the decision that it was time for a new car, because he doesn't want his wife and child driving around in the current heap of junk any longer. But that was where his involvement ended. I did the research - fuel economy, insurance groups, reliability and so on - and I went out and got us one. Did I mention I also chose our house? He didn't even see it until the day we moved in.

While we're on the subject of un-subly things I do, I also pick his clothes, hire tradespeople, arrange social occasions and go to the bathroom whenever I please. What kind of sub am I? What kind of dominant is he, that he allows this?

D/s is not one size fits all. I've had one two many people tell me, during an otherwise sensible conversation, that 'your Master shouldn't allow that', 'he's not training you properly' or 'If you were a true submissive...' Ultimately submission is not in the actions but rather the intent behind those actions. It so happens that Husband couldn't care less about what type of car we have, as long as it runs and is safe. He also has better things to do on his evenings and weekends than listen to sales pitches and discuss the cubic capacity of the boot. Therefore, as his sub, I see it as my job to take care of it. Just like I take care of the clothes shopping or the sending of birthday cards or anything else that cuts into his precious home-time. Perhaps you would never allow your sub to do such things, and that's fine, but don't tell me my submission is less because of it. If I'm making him happy, I must be doing a good job!

Also, I've never had a brand new car before, and I am so excited! Roll on delivery day!

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