Wednesday, 22 August 2012

First Kink Event - The Bizarre Bazaar

Child deposited with grandparents?

New underwear?

 Outrageously expensive room service?

Husband and I were long overdue for some serious alone time, and so this weekend we booked ourselves into a hotel in Birmingham to 'reconnect', so to speak. We've been wanting to check out the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar for some time so this was a perfect opportunity.

 We've never been to any kind of kink community event before, for a few reasons. We're both pretty shy at the best of times, and certainly neither of us are all that comfortable with dressing up in fetish gear in public (in all honesty, we don't even do that in private, it's just not us). But curiosity is a powerful motivator, and by all accounts the bazaar is a very low-pressure event.

We went in our regular street clothes, and at a guess about half of the other guests did as well, with the rest in some degree of kinky clothing, ranging from revealing clubwear to full-body latex, adult baby to sissy maid to elaborate puppy outfits. It was awesome to see people rocking so many different things, and it was clear that people were having a great time just being out and about in an environment where they could be whatever they wanted to be without judgment.

The fact that the bazaar is a market made it less threatening for newbies like us. Rather than having to interact and chat to people as you would at a munch, we were focused on the shopping so there was no awkwardness. There were a few toys which caught our eyes but we didn't want to take anything too big back on the train. We did, however, buy a Mindfold (don't worry, it's a work-safe amazon link), which is the best blindfold we've come across by miles.

To top the visit off we saw our very first demo, which was on the subject of 'erotic impact'. His Lordship isn't a particular fan of sensation play, and generally doesn't get excited by any kind of impact not designed to cause pain. This was perhaps why he looked politely unimpressed through the demos of horsehair floggers, but his eyes lit up when they got out a carriage whip (we're getting one of those, apparently). He must have been paying close attention though, since I've definitely noticed him experimenting with some new techniques.

We didn't stay for the after party, and to be honest watching the demo confirmed for me that I am not ready for public play and possibly never will be. Whilst it's always good to learn from others, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was watching something terribly intimate, and I couldn't feel entirely comfortable with it. I don't know how I expected to feel really, but I certainly knew I would not want to be on display as she was. So that's an issue of mine I may need to look at.

Anyway - in conclusion, it was well worth a visit and curiosity was well rewarded.

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