Friday, 28 September 2012

One Rough Week

This has been a hard week. Everything has gone wrong!

I've been ill, the baby has been up even more than usual in the night.

And on Tuesday, we were in a car accident, and the car was written off. You might remember that we ordered a new car, but we won't be getting it for another two months, and the tiny amount of insurance money won't stretch very far, so we're a bit stuck for the next few weeks.

We're not hurt, thank goodness, though I did have a migraine for the next couple of days.

All in all, it's been a rough week. I'm worn out with all the running around and phone calls and lack of sleep. All I want is an hour of quiet.

Thank goodness I have my husband to watch over us.

I'm really craving some hard and heavy play this weekend. I'm hoping we'll find a couple of hours one evening to focus back on each other and get the stress out. There's something very cathartic about a good beating, and giving up control in such a literal, physical way is the best way of reconnecting.

Roll on Sunday.

I'll try to have something a bit more chirpy to post next time!

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